A Daifuku is a dessert with the perfect balance between the soft and fluffy texture of the mochi, the salty flavor of red peas and the rich, smooth bean paste. A light dusting of flour makes it easy to hold and eat, and each ingredient makes a strong impact. The texture of the large, chewy black beans and the weight of 120 grams make it a favorite among many Daifuku lovers.

Mochi dumplings filled with azuki bean paste covered in an exquisite and shiny, sweet and spicy sauce made from soy sauce.
Each dumpling is large, about the volume of two regular dumplings.
The surface of the soft dumpling is well browned and has a savory flavor.

The sticky yet firm mochi has the pleasant aroma of yomogi (mugwort).
This brightly colored yomogi mochi is plump with lightly sweetened azuki bean paste, which gives it a sense of weight and presents a more matured flavor experience.

溜池の路地裏で130余年の歴史とともに、昔と変わらぬ技と風味を守り続ける「浅田家」。大通りから一本入った人通りの少ない場所に佇む店構えで、お昼時にはおやつや おみやげを買い求めるお客様で 行列ができるほど、多くの人に愛されている銘店です。
お店の看板商品である“豆大福”は、塩加減が絶妙でコロコロとした大粒の赤えんどう豆が餅 の表面から勢いよく 飛び出し、手にするとずっしりと重く、柔らかで滑らかな粒餡はその年の 収穫で一番良質な北海道産小豆をとろ火で5~6時間かけて煮立てます。お餅も適度な歯ごたえが感じられるよう、白さとコシが強い餅米を選び、季節によってつき方を 変えるなど、職人が知恵を絞り、美味しさを追求する想いが和菓子1つ1つに込められています。甘辛のバランスが絶妙なみたらし団子や、原材の風味を生かして丁寧に作り上げる草餅も多くの リピーターに支持されています。まちの風景が変わりゆく中で、時代に流されることなく「赤坂の手土産」として喜ばれている老舗銘店の和菓子をご賞味下さい。
Asada-ya has been preserving the same timeless techniques and flavors for more than 130 years in its back alley of Tameike. The store is located off the main street in a quiet area and is loved by many customers who line up at lunchtime to buy snacks and souvenirs. The store's signature item, "Mame Daifuku," is made from the finest Hokkaido azuki beans, the best of the year's harvest, and simmered over a flame for 5 to 6 hours to produce a soft and smooth bean paste. The outer layer of mochi (a steamed, sticky rice dough) is made from the whitest of a rice variety selected for firmness to give it just the right amount of chewiness, and the rice is pounded in different ways depending on the season.
Mitarashi dumplings, with their perfect balance of sweet and spicy , and Kusamochi, carefully made to express the flavor of each ingredient, are popular among many repeat customers. Please enjoy these sweets which have been continually appreciated as a main "Akasaka's souvenir" amid the ever-changing landscape of the town.
- 住所:
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- ADD:
Akasaka 2-10-4, Minato-ku, Tokyo
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