カステラの底に双目糖が攪拌(かくはん)の際 擦り減らされた中にも残っているのが長崎カステラの特徴です。伝来の古法を守り、丹精こめて焼きあげる、手づくりならではの味わいをお楽しみいただけます。
The characteristic of Nagasaki Castella is that the sugar remains on the bottom of the cake even after it has been scraped off during the stirring process. You can enjoy the unique taste of this handmade castella, which is baked with great care and attention, following the traditional methods handed down from generation to generation.

Castella made with sugar, a larger, granulated sugar, eggs, and less flour for a deeper and more aromatic flavor.
This blend has a more robust flavor and richer aroma due to the ingredients having different proportions than regular Castella, so it requires a highly skilled craftsman's technique.
An exceptional sponge cake that cannot be mass-produced.

Enjoy two slices of traditional Castella handmade by skilled craftsmen.
They are packaged in a cute little box that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. The changing regional and seasonal packagings are also delightful making the cube a recommendation as a casual gift.

Since its establishment in 1624, "Castella Honke Fukusaya" has been making sponge cakes
The name "Fukusaya" is derived using the first character from the words Fuzhou (the “Fu” being read “fuku” in Japanese) and “satou”, meaning sugar, as the company handled sugar brought to Nagasaki by ship from Fuzhou and other Chinese ports at that time.
Castella, a sponge cake having its roots in Spain and Portugal, was born as a cultural encounter between the East and the West.
The company always aims at respecting the old and creating the new, while listening carefully to the voice of the times to create new products.
The standard "Castella" is divided into ten equal-sized pieces for easy eating, and the "FUKUSAYA CUBE" contains two slices.
The color of the small box of "FUKUSAYA CUBE" changes according to the season and is appreciated as an easy souvenir or an accompaniment to tea time.
Each craftsman is responsible for the final product, connecting heart to heart, and offering a genuine taste of sincerity that we hope you enjoy.
- 住所:
東京都港区赤坂5-4-8 クレールタイヨービル 1F
- 電話:
- 創業:
- ADD:
CLAIRE TAIYO BUILDING 1F, Akasaka 5-4-8, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- TEL:
- since: